
The Roots Digital

6 Ways to Promote Your Business with Social Media Contest


Harnessing the power of social media is essential for any business looking to grow. One of the most effective ways to engage your audience and promote your brand is through social media contests. These contests not only increase brand visibility but also create a sense of community for your product or service. Let’s explore six ways to effectively promote your business through social media contests. 

1. Promote Your Best-Selling Product:

Utilizing social media contests to showcase your best-selling product can significantly enhance its visibility. Create a contest that encourages participants to share their experiences or creative ways of using the product. Offer an enticing prize, such as a discounted or exclusive version of the product, to generate enthusiasm.

Pro Tip: Use user-generated content by asking participants to submit informative images or videos. Share this information on your social media platforms to build credibility and trust.

2. Get User-Generated Content:

Getting user-generated content (UGC) through a social media contest involves encouraging participants to become content creators by sharing their unique perspectives on your brand. Design a contest that prompts users to submit photos, videos, or written testimonials showcasing their experiences or creativity related to your products or services. Establish a dedicated hashtag for the contest, making it easy to organize and track entries.

The key is to make the entry process simple and enjoyable to maximize participation. To further incentivize user-generated content, consider offering attractive prizes that resonate with your audience. Once the content starts rolling in, leverage it across your social media channels, website, and marketing materials.

User-generated content not only provides an authentic portrayal of your brand but also encourages a sense of community as participants engage with and appreciate each other’s contributions. Actively promote the contest and engage with participants to foster a positive and collaborative atmosphere, turning your audience into brand advocates through their creative expressions.

Pro Tip: To maximize UGC, create a dedicated hashtag for the contest. This not only helps in organizing entries but also makes it easier for participants to discover and engage with each other’s content.

3. Increase Sales with a Buy-to-Enter Social Media Contest:

Increasing sales through social media shopping contests is creating a compelling campaign that encourages participants to make a purchase for a chance to enter the contest. The concept is simple: Consumers are placed in the competition by purchasing your product or service. This approach not only generates instant revenue but also fosters customer loyalty. To take advantage of this, offer compelling bonuses that align with your audience’s interests, making the purchase worthwhile.

Promote the contest extensively across your social media platforms, emphasizing the exclusive opportunities tied to making a purchase. Actively engage with customers who participate, creating a positive and rewarding experience that strengthens the customer-business relationship. This approach not only boosts short-term sales but also cultivates a loyal customer base with increased long-term potential.

4. Get Reviews, Testimonials from Social Media Contest:

Take advantage of the excitement your contests generate to generate authentic reviews and testimonials. Ask participants to share their thoughts on your product or service as part of the entry process.

Pro Tip: To encourage participation, consider providing an additional entry for participants who leave detailed and thoughtful reviews. This enhances the quality of the feedback you receive.

5. Find Influencers with Your Social Media Contest:

Identifying influencers within your customer base through a social media contest is a strategic approach to amplify your brand’s reach and influence. As participants engage passionately with your contest, some may emerge as potential brand advocates with a significant following. Monitor contest entries for participants who showcase a genuine interest and affinity for your products or services. Reach out to these individuals, acknowledging their enthusiasm, and explore collaboration opportunities that extend beyond the contest. Offer them exclusive incentives or partnerships, such as featuring their content on your platforms, co-created content opportunities, or access to exclusive products or events.

This method not only helps you discover influencers who align authentically with your brand but also cultivates meaningful relationships, leading to genuine and impactful influencer marketing. Leveraging influencers discovered through your social media contest adds authenticity to your brand promotion efforts and expands your brand’s influence within relevant communities.

Pro Tip: Reach out to participants who exhibit influence during the contest and offer collaboration opportunities. This can lead to authentic and impactful influencer partnerships.

6. Use Contest Hashtags to Promote Your Brand Awareness:

Create a unique and catchy hashtag for your competitors to increase brand visibility on social media platforms. Not only does this make it easier to find participants but it also helps you reach out to your brand beyond your current audience.

Pro Tip: Research popular and relevant hashtags in your industry to ensure your contest reaches a wider audience. Additionally, actively engage with users who use your contest hashtag to create a sense of community.


Leveraging the power of social media contests provides a multi-pronged approach to increasing your business’ online presence and engagement. By using the right strategy in these contests, you can effectively promote your best-selling products, promote user-generated content, increase sales, gather serviceable feedback price edge, identify potential influencers, and increase brand awareness through trending hashtags.

Each strategy is designed to not only engage your audience but also create a sense of community around your brand. Also, professional management tips, such as the use of resources, offering special incentives, and active stakeholder engagement are valuable improvements to the success of your campaigns contribute to growth and long-term sustainability.