
The Roots Digital

Marketers Approved Expert Social Media Tips


Staying ahead of the curve is essential for businesses aiming to make a significant impact. With the digital realm constantly shifting, it’s crucial to adapt and refine your strategies to ensure optimal engagement and growth. To help you navigate this dynamic environment, here are more than 10 expert-approved social media marketing tips that can revolutionize your approach:

1. Follow Your People:

It emphasizes the importance of actively engaging with your followers, observing their habits, preferences and interests, and using these insights to tailor your content and communication strategy accordingly. By closely following and listening to your audience, it gives you valuable insights into their needs, wants, pain points and motivations, enabling you to create content that resonates deeply with them. 

This approach goes beyond simply broadcasting messages and promotions—it involves fostering genuine connections, building trust, and nurturing relationships with your audience over time. Whether it’s responding to comments and messages, conducting polls and surveys, or analyzing engagement metrics, actively following your people enables you to stay attuned to their evolving preferences and expectations, ultimately driving greater engagement, loyalty, and advocacy for your brand.

2.  Delve into Personas:

It refers to the strategic process of creating detailed buyer personas to better understand and empathize with your target audience segments. It involves going beyond basic demographic data and delving into the psychographics, behaviors, preferences, and pain points of your ideal customers. By developing rich and nuanced personas, you gain deeper insights into the motivations, challenges, and aspirations of your audience, allowing you to tailor your social media content and messaging to address their specific needs and interests effectively.

This approach enables you to create more relevant and resonant content that speaks directly to the desires and concerns of your audience, fostering stronger connections and driving higher engagement and conversion rates. Whether through surveys, interviews, or data analysis, investing time and resources in crafting detailed personas empowers you to craft more targeted and impactful social media strategies that deliver tangible results for your brand.

3. Go Private: 

It refers to power of private or niche communities within social media platforms to foster deeper connections and engagement with your audience. While mainstream social media channels offer broad reach, private groups or communities provide a more intimate setting for meaningful interactions. 

By creating or joining private groups relevant to your niche or industry, you can cultivate a loyal community of like-minded individuals who share common interests, challenges, and aspirations. Within these closed environments, members often feel more comfortable sharing personal experiences, seeking advice, and participating in discussions, creating opportunities for genuine engagement and relationship-building.

4. Go Where Impact is Greater:

It underscores the importance of strategic allocation of resources and efforts on social media platforms where they can yield the highest returns. Rather than spreading resources thinly across numerous platforms, this approach advocates for focusing on channels where your target audience is most active and engaged. By identifying and prioritizing platforms where your brand can make the most significant impact, you can allocate your time, budget, and creative energies more effectively, maximizing the effectiveness of your social media marketing efforts. 

This might involve conducting audience research to understand which platforms your target demographic prefers, analyzing past performance data to identify which channels drive the most engagement and conversions, and staying attuned to emerging trends and shifts in user behavior.

5. Audit Your Social Content Regularly:

Conducting regular audits involves analyzing the performance of your past content, assessing metrics such as engagement rates, reach, and conversions to identify trends and patterns. By examining which types of content resonate most with your audience and drive the desired outcomes, you can refine your content strategy to optimize effectiveness. Additionally, auditing your social content allows you to identify any inconsistencies or areas for improvement in messaging, branding, or visual aesthetics, ensuring a cohesive and compelling brand presence across all channels. 

This process enables you to stay agile and responsive to changes in audience behavior, platform algorithms, and industry trends, empowering you to continually refine and enhance your social media efforts for maximum impact and ROI.

6. Be Nimble and Responsive:

It involves being proactive and quick to respond to emerging trends, news events, and shifts in audience behavior. By staying vigilant and attuned to changes in the social media landscape, brands can capitalize on opportunities and mitigate potential risks more effectively. Being nimble allows brands to adjust their content strategy, messaging, and tactics on the fly to better resonate with their audience and maintain relevance. Additionally, responsiveness entails promptly addressing customer inquiries, feedback, and concerns to demonstrate attentiveness and foster trust and loyalty.

7. Try New Things:

It encourages brands to step out of their comfort zones and embrace novel approaches, formats, and strategies to keep their audience engaged and stay ahead of the curve. By exploring new features, trends, and creative concepts, brands can uncover fresh opportunities to captivate their audience and differentiate themselves from competitors. Whether it’s experimenting with new content formats, testing innovative advertising techniques, or embracing emerging platforms, the willingness to try new things fosters a culture of continuous learning and adaptation. 

While not every experiment may yield immediate success, the process of testing and iterating enables brands to learn valuable insights about their audience preferences and refine their approach over time. Embracing a mindset of curiosity and exploration empowers brands to push boundaries, spark creativity, and ultimately, drive meaningful results in their social media endeavors.

8. Focus on What You Own:

It underscores the importance of prioritizing and investing in assets that are under your direct control, such as your website, email list, and owned media channels. While social media platforms provide valuable avenues for reaching and engaging with your audience, they also come with inherent limitations and uncertainties, such as algorithm changes and platform policies. 

By concentrating on assets that you own and manage, you maintain greater autonomy and control over your brand’s online presence and communication channels. This includes creating high-quality content on your website, building an email list of subscribers who have opted in to receive updates and promotions, and cultivating owned media channels like blogs or podcasts.

9. Make a Tasty Sandwich:

It’s a metaphor for creating interesting and engaging social media content that grabs your audience’s attention and leaves a lasting impression. Just as a well-designed sandwich combines elements into a coherent and satisfying whole, effective social media content includes elements such as images, stories, jokes, and call-to-actions thing together to create a memorable experience and inspire your audience. Just like choosing the freshest ingredients for a sandwich, curating high-quality images, compelling content, and relevant messaging is essential to creating content that stands out in the noise of a social media feed in the 19th century.

10. Ask for Emails:

Encouraging your followers to provide their email addresses allows you to establish a more personal and direct connection, enabling you to deliver targeted content, promotions, and updates directly to their inbox. Unlike social media, where algorithms and platform policies can impact reach and visibility, email marketing provides a reliable channel for engaging with your audience on your terms. By collecting email addresses through opt-in forms, lead magnets, or gated content, you can grow your email list and cultivate a community of subscribers who have demonstrated an interest in your brand or offerings.

11. Stick to the Strategic Differentiator:

Consistently highlight and implement the importance of building unique value propositions or competitive advantages that set your brand apart from others in the market. Whether it’s a unique quality, innovative technology, excellent customer service, or a distinctive brand identity, identifying and highlighting your strategic differentiator is essential to effectively positioning your brand and stand out in a crowded market. By staying true to your brand strengths and core values, you not only attract customers who align with your unique offering, but you build a strong and memorable brand identity that builds long-term trust and loyalty.

12. Make It About Principle:

Rather than solely focusing on promotional messages or sales-driven tactics, prioritizing principles involves infusing authenticity, integrity, and social responsibility into your content and communications. By articulating and embodying your brand’s principles in your social media presence, you not only differentiate yourself from competitors but also resonate more deeply with consumers who share similar values.

13. Don’t Do the Eggs-Basket Thing:

It advises against the risky strategy of putting all your resources and efforts into a single social media platform or marketing channel. Instead, it advocates for diversifying your presence across multiple platforms to mitigate potential risks associated with overreliance on any one channel. Relying exclusively on a single platform leaves your brand vulnerable to fluctuations in algorithms, policy changes, or unexpected disruptions that could negatively impact your reach and engagement. 

This diversified approach not only helps mitigate risk but also allows you to reach a broader audience and tap into different demographics and user behaviors, ultimately enhancing the effectiveness and longevity of your social media marketing efforts.

14. Make It About People and Content:

It emphasizes the importance of putting the human side first and telling compelling stories in your social media marketing efforts. At its core, social media is a platform for connecting with people, and successful brands understand that building meaningful relationships with their audiences is key to building engagement and loyalty. Whether sharing products, publishing customer testimonials, or featuring behind-the-scenes photos of your team, incorporating authentic human experiences into your content humanizes your brand and builds a connection to you and strengthen the relationship between your audience.

15. Build a Fan Base:

The importance of cultivating a dedicated community of enthusiastic supporters who are not just customers but passionate advocates for your brand. These fans go beyond merely purchasing products or services; they actively engage with your brand on social media, share your content with their networks, and champion your brand to others. 

Building a fan base requires consistently delivering exceptional experiences, fostering meaningful connections, and providing value that goes beyond the transactional. By prioritizing customer satisfaction, fostering clear communication, and using your brand, you can turn satisfied customers into loyal fans who are eager to support and promote your brand. These followers are a valuable asset, driving word of mouth, increasing your reach, and contributing to the success and long-term growth of your business.

16. Think Green: 

Embracing a “think green” approach involves incorporating eco-friendly practices into your content creation, messaging, and overall brand ethos. This might include promoting sustainable products or initiatives, advocating for environmental causes, or showcasing your brand’s efforts to reduce carbon footprint and minimize environmental impact. By aligning your brand with sustainability, you not only appeal to environmentally-conscious consumers but also position your brand as a responsible corporate citizen. 

Additionally, demonstrating a commitment to sustainability can help differentiate your brand in a competitive market, attract like-minded consumers, and foster deeper connections with your audience based on shared values.

17. Go for the Creator, Not the Platform:

It underscores the significance of prioritizing collaboration with influential content creators who resonate with your brand’s values and target audience, rather than solely focusing on popular social media platforms. By partnering with creators whose stories align with your brand identity and objectives, you can use their authenticity, expertise and reach to drive your message and you communicate authentically with your target audience. Whether through sponsored content, influencer partnerships, or co-created campaigns, working with creators enables you to tap into their established networks, foster genuine connections with your audience, and drive meaningful engagement and conversions.

18. Whatever You Do, Don’t Make a Pronouncement:

In the fast-paced and highly public nature of social media, pronouncements can be perceived as rigid or inflexible, potentially alienating or polarizing your audience. Instead, it’s essential to maintain a nuanced and empathetic approach to communication, considering the diverse perspectives and sensitivities of your audience. Rather than dictating or imposing viewpoints, strive to facilitate open dialogue, encourage constructive discussion, and demonstrate humility and openness to different opinions.